• Request a Tutoring Appointment

  • Tutoring Services will reply to you via email as quickly as possible. Most responses take one or two working days.

  • I will email tutoring@cod.edu or call (630) 942-3686 at least 24 hours in advance to reschedule or cancel.

  • If I miss two appointments, I understand that I will need to contact Tutoring Services to reschedule appointments.

  • I may receive a maximum of three 50-minute appointments per week.

  • I understand that:

  • I must be enrolled in the COD developmental or college-level course for which I am requesting assistance.

  • There is no guarantee I will obtain a better or even a passing grade in the course for which I receive assistance.

  • * By submitting this form I acknowledge that I agree to the above terms and verify the information here to be correct.

By Clicking "Submit" above, the Applicant acknowledges that the Applicant has read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.